Safe ways to mount blinkytape?

edited December 2013 in BlinkyTape Fun
I want to mount my blinky tape under a shelf over my desk. Are there any safe ways to do that?



  • That's a great question. We've done this in a few ways so far -- double-sided tape should work but might be a no-go if you don't want to mar the surface of the shelf. We've also used zip ties for stuff like this - if you do that, put the ties in the parts of the tape between LEDs that don't have any components. There are zip ties that have screw holes, which might work for you.

    If you come up with a clever mounting scheme, please share a picture with us!
  • Actually, the best might be this photo mounting "taffy:" . I haven't tried it with the BT but works great for 11 x 14 heavy card stock on walls.
  • edited February 2014
    First off, I want to thank Ethan, my principal hand holder in getting me thru the trials and tribulations of the results (bad) of my mounting styles. I have managed (its all in the timing he advised) to use the PIN TRICK to finally after many attempts, get the Blinkytape to work again, I am so happy!I Thanks Guys! FYI, I had triggered in Arduino the ColorSwirl sketch to upload, THEN hit the button on the Blinkytape, maybe half second later. I was thrilled when the tape lit up, after so many trials along the same lines. Go figure??

    So here's what I've done and for now and suggest for light painters. Get a walking stick that is collapsable. Extend it a bit longer than the BT, say cane height. I reinforced the head end of the BT (see video; link below) then used Velcro hooks on the pole, and loops on the BT at strategic points down the length of the pole - so the BT wouldn't flop at all during "flight" as I wave the pole or mount it on a wheel and spin it.

    There's a movie I made of the process on YouTube: with some of my long exposure light paintings… most with Blinkytape, others with an Adafruit purchased 8806 RGB LED Strip.

    I would love to see what you are doing with your Blinkytape? I will start a group on FLICKR for us all to share.

    THanks again, Matt and crew for a fun ride; kicking off via Kickstarter in 2013. Remember marking is everything. Try clubs, bars, etc. Places where people might have cameras, i.e. gift shops in Times Square, so the owner of the store can say, "step into my back room where the lights are low; a Blinkytape I will show, and then you'll know… how much fun you can have.

    For Valentines, I made a special Graphic for the PATTERN PAINT uploading. It works great. its 120 pix high by 270 long. I'll post in my Flickr account for Blinkytape stuff (and will post some PNG files here for you to have fun with:

    Aloha from Maui,
    Pixel Pete (aka MauiMacMan)
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